Is London Tap Water Safe To Drink?

Although London's tap water meets regulatory standards, concerns are rising over contaminants like PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) and microplastics. These contaminants pose potential health risks, prompting questions about the long-term safety of consuming tap water.

PFAS: A Persistent Problem

PFAS are synthetic chemicals used for their resistance to water, oil, and heat. They persist in the environment and can accumulate in the human body, leading to health issues such as cancer, liver damage, and immune system disruption. Even low levels of PFAS in tap water are troubling due to their lasting harmful effects.

Microplastics: Tiny But Troubling

Microplastics, small plastic particles, are found in water supplies worldwide, including in London. Sources include cosmetics, clothing fibres, and degraded plastic waste. These particles carry toxic chemicals and can disrupt endocrine systems. The full health impact of microplastics is still under research, but their presence in drinking water is a cause for concern.

Ensuring Safe Drinking Water

To address these concerns, regular testing for PFAS and other contaminants is essential. Homeowners can further ensure water safety by using advanced filtration systems to remove these harmful substances.

Kitchen Station 1™: Your Solution for Clean Water

Bluewater’s Kitchen Station 1™ offers a reliable way to tackle tap water contaminants. This system removes up to 99.7% of impurities, including PFAS and microplastics, ensuring safe drinking water.

  • Removes Harmful Contaminants: The SuperiorOsmosis™ technology filters out dangerous substances.
  • Adds Essential Minerals: The system enriches water with beneficial minerals like calcium and magnesium.
  • Convenient and Cost-Effective: Enjoy purified, mineralized water directly from your tap, reducing the need for bottled water.

Installing Kitchen Station 1™ helps London residents ensure their tap water is safe, providing a healthier option for their families.


While London's tap water generally meets safety standards, the presence of PFAS and microplastics necessitates additional precautions. Kitchen Station 1™ provides an effective solution to ensure tap water is free from harmful contaminants, making it a valuable investment for health-conscious individuals.

For more information about the Kitchen Station 1™ and other Bluewater products, visit our website or contact us at

Which purifier is right for you?

Kitchen Station

Tap into pure mineralized water at home.

Spirit Purifier

Powerful and compact

Cleone Purifier

A lot of power for a small price