What is the best coffee-to-water ratio?

Coffee lovers in the UK often ask, "What is the best coffee-to-water ratio?" This crucial question influences the flavour and strength of your coffee. Understanding and perfecting this ratio can upgrade your coffee experience, whether you're a home brewer or a coffee shop owner.

Understanding Coffee-to-Water Ratios

The coffee-to-water ratio is essential because it determines the strength and flavour of your brew. For drip coffee, the recommended ratio is generally 1:16, which means one part coffee to 16 parts water. Adjusting this ratio can help achieve the desired strength: use a 1:15 ratio for a stronger cup or a 1:17 ratio for a lighter brew​ (BigCupOfCoffee.com)​.

Factors Influencing Your Brew

Several factors can affect how your coffee turns out:

  1. Grind Size: The grind size of your coffee beans plays a significant role. Finer grinds yield stronger coffee, while coarser grinds produce a milder taste​ (CoffeeFlare)​.
  2. Water Quality: Using filtered or purified water is essential for a clean and crisp taste. Tap water can contain impurities that negatively affect the coffee's flavour​ (CoffeeFlare)​.
  3. Brewing Method: Different brewing methods require different ratios. For instance, French press coffee typically uses a 1:15 ratio, while iced drip coffee might use a 1:17 ratio to account for dilution from melting ice​ (BigCupOfCoffee.com)​.

Bluewater's Café Station 1™: Upgrade Your Coffee Experience

For coffee shops looking to provide the best coffee, Café Station 1™ is an ideal solution. This system uses advanced purification technology to remove 99.7% of contaminants and adds essential minerals, ensuring every cup of coffee has optimal taste and health benefits​​​​.

Benefits of Bluewater's Café Station 1™

  1. Superior Water Quality: Bluewater's advanced purification ensures that the water used in brewing is free from impurities, enhancing the flavour of the coffee.
  2. Health Benefits: The addition of essential minerals not only improves taste but also offers health benefits.
  3. Environmental Impact: By reducing reliance on single-use plastics and promoting the use of reusable glass bottles, Bluewater's solution supports eco-friendly practices.


Perfecting the coffee-to-water ratio is key to brewing the perfect cup. Whether you're brewing at home or serving customers in a coffee shop, understanding these ratios and the factors that influence your brew will help you achieve the best results. Incorporating Bluewater's Café Station 1™ can further enhance your coffee experience by providing superior water quality and promoting sustainability.

By mastering these elements, you can enjoy a consistently excellent cup of coffee and contribute to a healthier planet.

For more information about the Café Station 1™ and other Bluewater products, visit our website or contact us at sales@bluewatergroup.com. Transform your coffee experience with Bluewater today!

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