Rethinking Your Water Supply: The Bluewater PRO Solution

Adapting to Water Scarcity with Innovative Purification

In an era where water scarcity is increasingly common, rethinking your water supply becomes essential. Whether you're grappling with drought or your private well isn't quite cutting it, it's time to be proactive. Introducing the Bluewater PRO, a revolutionary solution for turning brackish water into a pristine water source for your home. Ideal for households and even better when shared between neighbors, the PRO is designed to cater to the needs of up to two families with ease.

Make Brackish Water Pristine

Why Choose the Bluewater PRO?

  • Purifies Brackish Water: Designed to transform water that’s saltier than freshwater into a clean, drinkable source.

  • Exceptional Performance: Enjoy a faster, higher flow of clean water, outperforming traditional reverse-osmosis systems.

  • Energy Efficient: The PRO is an eco-friendly choice with low energy consumption and long service life.

  • Built-in Safety Features: Comes with a water quality alarm and leakage protection for added peace of mind.

  • User-Friendly Design: Reliable and easy to operate, making it a hassle-free addition to your home.

Purifying Brackish Water with Ease

Take control of your family's well-being with the Bluewater PRO. This compact reverse osmosis water purification system, featuring our patented SuperiorOsmosis™ technology, is adept at turning brackish or suspect surface water into water virtually free from contaminants. From limescale and sodium chloride to microplastics and harmful bacteria like E. coli, the PRO ensures your water is safe for drinking and washing.

Compact, Efficient, Easy-to-Use

The Bluewater PRO is not just about performance; it's also about convenience. Its compact design makes it easy to install and maintain. The system automatically cleans its main membrane filter to prevent clogging and initiates automatic backflushing twice daily. This means more uptime and consistent access to purified water. With a range of models, you can select the perfect Bluewater PRO to meet your specific water needs.